Top Bar
Use our great unique ad space –top bar. You can custom your message and call to action. It’s nice converting ads format.

Promote your business in Video format easy with our Video ads, now available for Desktop, Tablets and Mobile. Choose video you would like to show to your user and play it in high resolution with redirection to custom url.
Nice ad format for different business. Customize your call the action button and transform it to Ad. Custom your message and button look.

New tab
Model appropriate for more aggressive ads. Use interest of your customer and open additional url in the new tab based on the user keywords.
Sliders- left, right, top and bottom
Use our great Sliders solution, chose position and targeting. This unique solution is not a banner –it’s a slider that have different look and does not go over the website content.

Overlay Image
Image overlay show your nice ad in the same user tab, showing nice design image in nice design format.
Overlay Landing Page
Show your Landing page in the same User tab, using different targeting option as keyword, geo and topic.

Really popular format where you can target without limitation any keyword you like and show your nice design image in any size you choose. Our In text format is totally responsive. Also including your unique message near the image.